Archives: Publications

Paper Title: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detection Based on Sound Interval Frequency using Wearable Device Abstract: This paper introduces an automated approach to identify the existence of Resistant Obstructive Sleep Apnea depending on breathing signal. The behavior of the breathing sounds is carried by decision making sound interval that detect respiratory signal when breathe and hold […]

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Archives: Publications

Paper Title: Human Behavior Analysis using Association Rule Mining Techniques Abstract: At present, the use of social networks is growing rapidly. The matter is more alarming for all the users, who are sharing their personal information with various social media. In social media, their behavior can be reflected. In this research study, we have analyzed […]

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Archives: Publications

Paper Title: An Empirical Study on Diabetes Mellitus Prediction Using Apriori Algorithm Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus introduce various diseases that affect the way of using sugar in human body. Sugar plays a vital role as it is the main source of energy for cells that build up muscles and tissues. So, any issue that causes the […]

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Archives: Publications

Paper Title: Smartphone-Based Heart Attack Prediction Using Artificial Neural Network Abstract: Heart attack is among a few of the deadly diseases that cause the death of thousands of people each year globally. It is possible to minimize morbidity and mortality by early screening for those who are at high risk of getting acute myocardial infarction […]

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